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EnVirospection® |
Are you sure of what you are looking at when you get your KEC (kitchen exhaust cleaning) pictures? (see photo examples) PROVEN TRUST FOR YOUR FACILITY Enviromatic Nationwide Inspection Program (more about guidelines) See why many use the Enviromatic Nationwide Inspection Program (brochure) In almost all cases, we find the pictures you receive are not a true representation of the cleaning(s) that were completed. Many KEC contractors count on confusion and lack of experience by restaurant staff and facilities looking at the pictures. It is extremely prudent to get an expert involved with this process as these areas are often hidden. A catastrophic fire is not a good time to find out what you have been missing. As part of our exclusive EnVirospection® KEC National Inspection Program, we can review pictures from your KEC at your discretion with staff unmatched in picture review experience. You may test drive the EnVirospection® picture review for free for a 30 day trial period on as many as a dozen separate facilities. Please e-mail inspections@enviromatic.com with your request and you will receive a reply with instructions. After receiving the reply, you may then send your pictures through our web site or e-mail to inspections@enviromatic.com. We do not have to know who the KEC company is, as that is not important. We will review the pictures and send back an EnVirospection® picture review report. Please feel free to call for details on the picture reviews and all of the EnVirospection® KEC inspection and training programs available. Important. This offer is available only for Restaurant and Building facilities and management and is not available to KEC companies. Testimonial: |